Giving a Daisy Necklace as a Gift
The daisy is such an iconic flower, so many different type of this cute flower, yet probably when I say Daisy, you think of the colourful yellow and white miniature lawn flower. However the cute little daisy necklace is one of the most popular flower necklaces that is purchased. The pretty little flower with coloured centre looks beautiful when worn on a sterling silver necklace, natural and elegant. We have a stunning selection of gorgeous Daisy Necklaces, all slightly different so that you can choose the perfect match for your loved one to wear and enjoy.
This beauty, made from baltic amber and sterling silver, is so pretty, a daisy necklace with charisma and charm is ideal for a gift.
Check out our brand new range coming in very soon! I love the daisy new colours, no available in the range of flower jewellery.
Lush colours for beautiful necklaces. Check out the wonderful matching daisy earrings in stock now.